Dental Implants for Shellharbour, Wollongong & Surrounds

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At Shellharbour city, dental implant procedures are carried out in conjunction with the region’s leading specialist oral surgeons and periodontists to ensure best practice procedures are used and the first-rate outcomes. We recommend only top quality components and use local, high-quality labs with years of experience creating implant restorations.

Our Dental Implant Treatment Consultation Process

Implants are one of the most significant advancements in dentistry in the last few decades. They provide a means to completely replace extracted or severely damaged teeth with an artificial replica that simulates the look and function of a natural tooth very well. The root of the tooth is replaced with a titanium substitute, over which we can attach a very natural-looking porcelain replacement tooth. Implants are anchored in bone much like our own natural teeth, and they look much like our other teeth, help preserve the bone that supports our teeth and prevent the aged look that can occur as a result of bony facial changes from tooth loss. They are very stable and can be expected to last for many, many years


At Shellharbour city, dental implant procedures are carried out in conjunction with the region’s leading specialist oral surgeons and periodontists to ensure best practice procedures are used and first-rate outcomes. We recommend only top quality components and use local, high-quality labs with years of experience creating implant restorations.

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