Teeth Fillings In Shellharbour

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At Shellharbour City Dental, we suggest you have regular (at least every two years) dental x-rays to check the areas of your teeth that we cannot see visually. This is very important as often holes in teeth are not symptomatic even when very large, and sometimes your dentist cannot see the hole with a visual exam alone until it is too late to fix the problem with a filling by itself. At Shellharbour City Dental, we use the highest quality composite bonding techniques and materials to provide beautiful looking fillings that, in many instances, are hard to pick from an unfilled tooth, are strong and long-lasting.

What Is The Process of Teeth Fillings?

Fillings are performed for various tooth-related issues, the most common being cavities (or caries). When detected early enough, a tooth with a hole can be filled. For this, the soft and diseased tooth structure is cleaned away, and the area is restored to its original shape and size with a filling material. Regular check-ups (we recommend six-monthly visits for most patients) are essential as the earlier a cavity is detected, the minor tooth structure damage that occurs and the stronger the remaining tooth will be once filled. This can avoid more extensive and expensive procedures such as root canal treatments, crowns or extractions.

Inlays & Onlays Teeth Filling Method

Inlays and Onlays are other methods of filling teeth. They are less commonly used than fillings as they are more expensive and require multiple appointments. In some instances, your dentist may offer an inlay or onlay if the properties of one of these treatment options are considered essential to treating a specific dental problem.


If you require fillings, inlays or onlays, come and see your dentist in Shellharbour!

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