Family Dentist In Shellharbour - Cleaning Services

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At Shellharbour City Dental, we understand the importance of meticulous gum maintenance. We have a dedicated hygienist and will ensure that we thoroughly clean your teeth and around your gums. To do this properly, it does take a little extra time, and at Shellharbour City Dental, we set this time aside for every patient to do the job to the highest possible standard. We use specialised ultrasonic instrumentation and delicate hand instrumentation on every patient to ensure the best possible outcomes. A dental prophylaxis is also performed to polish and clean surface stains on the teeth, and six-monthly fluoride treatments are generally carried out at the same time to protect against decay. 

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Why You Need Dental Cleaning Services

We all know that we should clean our teeth twice a day. Brushing with a soft toothbrush and flossing reduces plaque accumulating on the teeth. Plaque accumulation leads to holes, bad breath and gum problems. But brushing and flossing alone is not enough as we also get calculus, a calcified build-up that forms under the gums and on the surface of our teeth over time. This build-up of calcified bacterial deposits is harmful to the gums and bones that support our teeth. The calculus will not brush off with regular brushing and flossing, and it is this that we remove during your dental cleaning visits along with areas of plaque accumulation and surface stains on the teeth. The damage caused by calculus is often not noticed early on as it is not painful. Still, our dentists and hygienists will identify the early stages of gum problems before they progress into more extensive issues.


Initial signs of gum disease include unsightly red puffy gums, bleeding gums and bad breath. If left untreated, the bone and gums around the teeth will begin to break down, leading to bone loss and gum recession. Teeth with recession are often more sensitive to hot, cold and sweet things. Left to progress eventually, we can start to get painful infections around affected teeth. Unfortunately, if too much bone is lost and the teeth no longer have sufficient bone support to stay in the mouth, they can become loose, painful, and need to be removed. Bone loss and gum recession are permanent changes, and these structures will not grow back once the damage has occurred.

Our Dental Cleaning Service Process

With a comprehensive dental examination, all patients are screened for signs of gum disease. Where appropriate, time is spent to help educate the patient on the problem and discuss what would work best for their situation to help manage and treat the issue. All our patients are encouraged to have regular hygiene cleaning visits. They are essential to maintaining healthy, attractive teeth and gums, reducing bad breath, reducing gum recession, and preventing bone loss.


Look no further for a friendly family dentist in Shellharbour.

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